To configure a SMB share.
My guide has been built using Debian 10.
apt install samba-common
1. Create a group to assume ownership of the directory that will be shared.
addgroup ftp
2. Add yourself (or whatever user you want to access the files) to the group
usermod -aG ftp ross
3. Create the directory you would like the share.
mkdir /mnt/share
4. Change the group on the new directory
chgrp -R ftp /mnt/share
5. Change the group's permissions
chmod -R g+rw /mnt/share
6. Open /etc/samba/smb.conf for editing.
vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
Change the workgroup to your something of your choosing.
workgroup =
Create the data share at the bottom of the file.
path = /mnt/share
valid users = @ftp
browsable = yes
writable = no
read only = yes
7. Restart samba
systemctl restart smbd.service
8. Add a new SAMBA user. Each SAMBA user MUST have a corresponding UNIX user. This is required so that SAMBA can manage access to the shared directory.
adduser ftpuser --disabled-password
smbpasswd -a ftpuser
9. Enable the new SAMBA user.
smbpasswd -e ftpuser
If using samba to mount an ISO to a Supermicro IPMI vdisk, make sure to change the minimum protocol version on the samba server.
server min protocol = NT1
Delete a user
smbpassword -x ftpuser