Check out the official documentation here.
This method allows for Oxidized to pull a list of hosts to backup from LibreNMS.
1. Under Gear Icon → Global Settings → External → Oxidized Integration enable Oxidized Integration within LibreNMS.
You can enable Oxidized in the LibreNMS config.php file if you choose. I'm going to do it this way since the settings are available in the GUI.
2. Create an Oxidized user in the LibreNMS web interface. Gear Icon → Manage Users → Add User
3. Create a LibreNMS ‘API access token’ associated with the new Oxidized user.
Navigate to Gear Icon → API → API Settings. Click ‘Create API access token’
4. At the CLI of your Oxidized server, edit the Oxidized config file: /home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/config
to use this new source:
default: http
debug: false
url: https://[Hostname/IP-address-of-LibreNMS-server]/api/v0/oxidized
scheme: https
secure: false <-- To talk to LibreNMS via HTTPS without verifying cert (if you created a self-signed)
name: hostname
model: os
group: group
X-Auth-Token: 'api-token-from-librenms'
To test the LibreNMS API manually
curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY' http://[Hostname-or-IP-of-Oxidized]/api/v0/oxidized